Practice Routine: Workout Number 3


Get Moving Level 1: Workout #3

(Scroll down for modifications and FAQs)

Practice Routine: Workout Number 3

Quick Links:
back and shoulder mobility on the foam roller, neck stretches, abdominal bracing, cat/cow, child’s pose, forward fold or return to Video 5: The Spine, Shoulder & Neck.

New to Autoimmune Strong?
If you are new to the Autoimmune Strong program, please do not begin with the workout videos. Make sure you watch the instructional videos first, before progressing to the workouts.

Is this exercise difficult?
If these exercises feel difficult to do in any way, scroll down and watch the modification video for alternative exercise options.


You can always use modifications of these movements during your exercise routines:

Foam Rolling

Abdominal Bracing

Cat/Cow, Child’s Pose and Forward Fold

Best decision I ever made for myself was joining this program.
— Pam, Autoimmune Strong Member

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely. The calendars are just recommendations, they are not set in stone. Rearrange as you see appropriate for your schedule.

  • Great question. First, this is an awesome piece of knowledge for you to have about yourself. Next, what to do: I say skip it! Use that day to go back to one of the instructional videos that you love. Eventually, you will get stronger and the workouts will be possible. Keep at it, and you will get there!

  • Absolutely. Use the modification option whenever you want! All the exercises get the same results, so pick the one that feels right for you.

  • For all of my former exercise junkies, I will provide you with two tips:

    1. Autoimmune Strong is designed to build in intensity over time. What you do in Level 1 is not the same as what you do in Level 6. If Level 1 feels easy and you have no flare-ups, then great! You can move on! But- I encourage you to really examine yourself- the ease of the exercise isn’t everything, it’s about how your body reacts to it. The best result is if you can do the exercise without exhaustion or flare-up. That’s when you know you can move up in the levels, when you have no exercise side effects.

    2. Your brain is going to always want to push harder or go faster through this program than you should. Remind yourself- that intense kind of exercise didn’t work for you in the past. So, even though it’s hard, I ask you to trust the process here. These Autoimmune Strong exercises may feel too slow and easy, and that is your challenge- to relax into the pace of


Practice Routine: Workout Number 2


Level 2- Coming Soon!